Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Was just talking to a close friend of mine that believes there seasoned when it comes to relationships, but has there guard up when it comes to dating because of hurt from a previous relationship. I don't call that seasoned, because a seasoned person knows that putting your guards up; only blocks you from what GOD is trying to bring to you. Am I saying to let everyone play with your feelings and emotions ? NO! But I am saying, USE YOUR DISCERNMENT; that GOD given ability to judge the things that come your way. Make sure people line up with THE VALUES AND PRINCIPLES YOU LIVE BY. DEMAND THE RESPECT YOU GIVE. If the people that come into your space don't line up..UNDERSTAND THEY ARE NOT THE ONE! SO STOP TRYING TO MAKE THEM BE WHO THERE NOT....DESPERATE PEOPLE COMPROMISE AND FIND THEMSELVES ABUSED AND MISTREATED, because COMPROMISE IN THIS REGARD, IS SIMPLY CHANGING YOUR BELIEFS TO FIT SOMEONE ELSE'S..!!! True SEASONED FOLK NO THE DIFFERENCE...and don't get it twisted, SEASONED DOESN'T ALWAYS HAVE TO DO WITH AGE. Some people don't need 20 years of the same experiences to learn how to change there methodology on doing things. Women especially! GOD has given y'all something us men don't posses (INTUITION!!!). The BIBLE SAY YOUR GIFTS WILL MAKE ROOM FOR YOU AND PUT YOU IN THE COMPANY OF KINGS AND QUEENS..!!! So put your guards down and use the the GOD given GIFT OF DISCERNMENT... LEARN from your past and YOU WILL PERFECT YOUR FUTUR..!!! Be Blessed my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired Blog of the day..!!!!