Monday, November 3, 2014

You have The Right!

You Have the Right!
Do you believe that you are RIGHTEOUS? If so, you have rights. What are those RIGHTS? You have the RIGHT to PEACE! Peace is having an understanding that everything you need has already been given to you. You have a RIGHT to QUIETNESS, which involves a confident trust that speaks without you saying a word (Isaiah 32:17). Negative emotions are designed to steal what GOD has already said is yours. Psalms 103:3-6 states that because we are considered RIGHTEOUS, all of your iniquities are forgiven. ALL of your diseases are HEALED. Our life has been redeemed from the pit of corruption. We have been beautified, dignified, and have been crowned with loving kindness and tender MERCY. We have been satisfied with necessity and desires at our personal age and situation with GOOD, so that our youth is renewed like the eagles (STRONG, overcoming, and soaring). He executes RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE for ALL who are oppressed. So why do we worry if we have it right (RIGHTEOUSNESS)? Worrying and being anxious will cause issues. The BIBLE clearly states in Matthew 6:33 how to RECEIVE. "Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD (HIS way of doing things) and these things shall be added." What are these things? RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, and JOY! We are sons of GOD, no longer servants, which means we have a different level of access.  As children of God, we don't have to ask for permission. We simply have to make a withdrawal from what is there and has already been made available to us. Start making that withdrawal by BELIEVING, followed by CONFESSING. If it's in the WORD, it has already been made available to confess it! Belief and confession go hand in hand. If you believe something you confess it. We are made righteous, not by anything we have done, but through BELIEVING (Romans 10:6-10). Hold fast to your confession of FAITH and RECEIVE WHAT HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU (Hebrews 10:17-23). You have a RIGHT and with that right you must come boldly to the throne of GRACE to obtain GOD'S MERCY (not getting deserved punishment but blessings instead).  I want to encourage you to start practicing your RIGHTS and RECEIVE THE MANIFESTATION ATTACHED TO IT. No more worry, but be confident in your BLOOD BOUGHT RIGHTS!

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