Friday, May 31, 2013


Today I had my third interview for an employment opportunity. This was my first round of interviews in the 6 months I’ve been here.  For those of you that don’t know, I recently moved to Atlanta, GA from Ohio. This journey has been the most humbling experience of my life…I have completely started over. I have gone from making roughly $13k-$17k monthly to making $0 per month.  I have gone from living in a $500k home on the lake (in a million dollar community), having jet skis, motorcycles and all the other perks that go along with that high dollar lifestyle.  Please know that this is not being written to brag but to encourage someone that may be going through a difficult time right now, financially or otherwise. The Lord has a plan for your life, like HE does for mine.  Life is a series of test and trails, which we all must go through, for the PERFECTING of our walk with Christ and to build us for HIS PURPOSE.

Presently, I am living with a childhood friend. He has been a gracious host not only for allowing me to stay, but for also allowing me to stay rent free. Of all the perks I mentioned above, to my name, all I have are my clothes, along with my bed and motorcycle, which are in storage. I no longer have flat screen TV’s leather couches, stainless steel appliances, jet ski’s or my truck; my car is currently parked at a repair facility with a $2,800 price tag for said repair. Over the past two weeks, prior to another friend offering me their car, I had to ride the bus to bible study. Those “things” used to be valuable to me, but guess what; those “things” hold no value to me now. I’m so much happier and at peace without them. I’ll move on for now…I’ll talk about “THINGS” in another blog.

My pride has certainly been challenged many times during this 6 month period and as I previously mentioned, I have been tremendously humbled, to say the least, but the lessons I learned while riding the bus ended up being  such BLESSING in disguise; I’ll  save that for another blog, as well.

I want to talk about today’s TEST....

I was offered a job that would require me to work 55 hours per week with only one day off, for a total of $125 a week.  Oh, I should mention I would have the POTENTIAL to make 30-40k a year.  I don't know where you are in life, my friends, but where ever you are, I’m sure $125 a week won’t get you very far. However, when you have no income and you have bills that are starting to pile up, any money is seemingly good money (as long as it’s legal).  Hearing this in my first interview it didn't sit very well with me, but I felt I didn't have a choice since I hadn't had any success with other employment opportunities. Oh, I forgot to mention the most important part, by taking this job, I would no longer be able to attend  church; it would conflict with my work days, so I would no longer be able to attend Wednesday bible study or Sunday morning worship service (TEST).  Anyone who knows me knows that GOD is the HEAD of my LIFE and I try not to make any moves without HIS GUIDIENCE.  The Lord is my provider and lifter of my HEAD, MY Strong Tower, MY WAY OUT OF NO WAY, MY BUCKLER, MY PEACE, and The SHEPHERD OF MY LIFE.  MY INSTRUCTIONS COME FROM HIM.  Missing church would deprive me of MY SOUL SOURCE OF LIVING.  I turn to HIS WORD to EAT and LEARN SPIRITUAL TRUTHS FOR MY DAILY WALKHIS WORD IS MORE VALUABLE TO ME THAN NATURAL FOOD

So, today, I rushed to get suited and booted for my third and final interview, mind you they called me an hour prior, expecting me to get across town, but I made it. As I sat there and listened to them talk about the mere pennies I would make and potentially make, I started to think about my priorities and my values that I live by; I further thought about where my STRENGTH comes from and WHO my REAL PROVIDER IS.  As I continued to listen to the interviewers speak, I thought about what a job is really for and how it’s just one part of our existence to live, but not the MAIN PART.  I then began to think about the money (which would barely meet my needs), and the hours (that would prevent me from searching for better employment), but more importantly, I thought about the fact I would be missing church indefinitely (MY SOURCE OF POWER & UNDERSTANDING). All of a sudden the fear of not taking this job got smaller; it got even smaller when I thought about how GOOD my GOD has been to me. I thought about the UNFATHOMABLE things HE HAS IN STORE FOR ME IF I ONLY CONTINUED TO BELIEVE!!!! I AM THE RIGHTEOUNESS OF GOD AND I AM ENTITLED TO COVANANT FAVOR AND COVANANT KINDNESS.  For those that don't know what that means that means, let me explain…if you’re a BELIEVER IN CHRIST, AND IF YOU BELIEVE THAT CHRIST DIED AND WAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD TO SAVE YOU FROM ETERNAL DAMNATION, THEN YOU ARE PROTECTED BY HIS GRACE (HIS UNMERITED FAVOR). UNMERITED MEANING, THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO EARN IT as IT IS A GIFT FOR BELIEVING!!! With all that said, I then realized this was a TEST. Thank You JESUS; I have an ear to hear the SPIRIT of GOD! But, I wonder, how many others don't? How many fall prey to the devils devices? How may have a fear of failure; fear of not having enough of what you need to make it? My friends GOD will never fail you.  Our job is to only BELIEVE that HE IS!!! That HE is the REWARDER to those who DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM!!!

As I end todays blog be encourage friends and REST in the REALAZATION THAT OUR WAY HAS ALREADY BEEN PLANNED OUT AND WAS MADE BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. So don’t be fooled by the devils devices, trust GOD and know that you will be “TESTED”(it just happens to be open book). JUST stand on HIS WORD and BELIEVE!!  Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog of the day.


  1. You exemplify true FAITH in GOD! Your story needs to be told...I look forward to your next blog!

  2. thanks EL im a definitely do that...!!!

  3. I felt every sentence Trib God will make you rich and add no sorrow.

    1. Yesir, my brother in Christ (Clyde Kynard)

  4. Larry,

    I told you that your story needed to be told thanks for opening up we all can use this powerful word.

    Raymond Richard
    a step by step money Guide

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. all I can say friend is wow wow wow. What an awesome, on time inspired Word.I know you are gonna be ok because the hand of God is upon you. I miss you a lot but I know you have to move when God says move. I look forward to reading your blogs. Keep on pressin in to the things of God and continue to be blessed. Oh yeah and thanks for letting me know about your blogs.

  7. Your welcome sis I'm a keep on keepin on lol
