Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Prelude to my Book "Transition"

Prelude of my book


Transition is described as a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another.  This book is about one man’s Faith walk to purpose, and the many life challenges that being obedient to the call of GOD has.   This book will serve as a true example of how the universe will open up, when you starve your fears and feed your faith, when you have more faith in GODS promises than you do Satan's lies.  Go on a journey with me, through Transition, as I share some of my intimate thoughts, as I fought through trials, tribulations, heart break and the everyday frustrations of life.  Through this 9 month journey, you will get a chance to visualize how I battled between following the principles of this worldly system or the principles of GOD Kingdom.  Witness my growth and how I learned what it was to be a True Believer in Christ Jesus, and the cross one must bare to walk in His Promises.  Obedience allowed me not to make any excuses for my situation and empowered me to follow that small hidden voice to freedom. 

As Believers by Faith we have to launch out into all the written (WORD OF GOD) possibilities that the finished works of Jesus offers us. Take a trip with me as The Lord allowed me to be broken, pruned and developed through heart ache, deception and my own carnal (selfish) desires.  Find out how I went from a six figure income with every material want I could think of, but yet had no real joy.  How dating some of the most beautiful women, men would ever want, but brung me no true self-worth, but only served as a reminder of what popularity and material attracts from people.  To zero income with a peace that surpasses all understanding, which produced a life of substance and passion for the things of GOD.  Find out How I learned that a certain picture you paint of yourself will cause other to love you with a worldly love (emotional), that Love that’s based on the possibilities of what could be, not the God kind of love, that’s committed Love, meaning circumstances cant change it. 

Through this Spiritual Journey GOD showed me what true substance looks like, and how important our purpose as Believers in Christ is.  Without purpose, life is as shallow as a person dating because of status or the type of car someone drives.  The sad reality is that's what America is turning into, a bunch of people chasing people and things (myths) for happiness; there made up answer to completeness.  

I was inspired to write this book to help guide and save our next generation of young people and possibly give revelation to my peers and elders.  Before this Transition, I thought I was living a life of selflessness, dedication to helping the plight of mankind, by fostering homeless children, providing many different services and programs for uneducated and economically challenged families in my city, but Through this Transition, GOD has shown me that it was all vain works and that I haven't even scratch the surface of servitude.  We as Believers are only as good as the people we help realize their potential and purpose they possess in HIM.  We must poor ourselves out completely to help the lost, and let the LORD refill us.

This Transition has opened my eyes to a whole other world of possibilities in which I want to share with the world.  It has shown me a world, where material and money are just things that SERVE us and not what we serve.  95 percent of the people I know are struggling financially, which makes them a slave to money and things.  They have to go to work every day, maybe even work overtime or work 2 or more jobs to pay for things they didn’t even need.  This world is filled with people wanting, and willing to do anything to get it.  In 2013 the U.S. total consumer debt is at $11.4 Trillion, including mortgages, auto loans, credit cards and student loans.  How can this be, when GOD has given us everything we need, that does not require debt?  In this Transition I’ve learned how to live in a different government, the government of the Kingdom of GOD, a debt free system of doing things.   Read and find out how to be translated into a new system of living that’s not controlled by wants (greed, and selfish desires), but by purposeful GOD directed living.  People that are after the riches of this world will never really experience the Joy of the LORD, which is our true strength and completeness. 

                By the end of this book you will feel empowered to no longer except the lies your circumstances tell you.  You will learn to appreciate the small things in life, and understand that walking by faith may entail being broken, being broken to all your desires and selfish wants.  You may be forced to trust your struggle, with your heart broken from bad relationships or just everyday situations, and all along doing the will of GOD, while waiting on HIS Promises to manifest in your life.   After reading this book, my prayer is that you start to challenge yourself to ask GOD to enlighten your eyes of understanding to HIS finished work, and totally understand what price HE paid for our Freedom.  Be Blessed my friends and stay tuned to my next GOD inspired book…I love you with the Love of Christ our LORD and SAVIOR..!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Resting in GOD

What is RESTING IN GOD? How do you REST IN HIM? Well let's start with the word RESTING; Cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength; to remain or be left in a specific condition: “Rest Assured”. Is this the type of RESTING the LORD was referring to when HE advised HIS followers to take REST in HIM? One of my favorite scriptures is Matthew 11:28-30(AMP) because it gives a clear understanding and vivid picture of why we would be obedient to his invitation and then how we reap the benefits of RESTING IN GOD. In verse 28 The LORD gave a specific group an invitation to COME to HIM. HE said EVERYONE that labors, those that are heavy- laden (loaded down) and those that are overburdened (helping everyone, but yet, know one helps them) and HE would give them REST. That sounds like everyone I know. How many people you know are stressed out, full of anxieties and worry? Those are the people the LORD told to come and HE WOULD EASE, RELIEVE AND REFRESH THEIR SOUL. Your soul is where your emotions live. This is where your fears and anger reside. The Soul is the seat of your feelings. That's where you feel the pressures of life. So how does GOD EASE, RELIEVE AND REFRESH your soul? Well the next verse tells us to take HIS yoke upon us and to learn of HIM. A yoke is something that was used by farmers to lock the necks, usually of Oxen together to do work. The yoke would keep them together going in the same direction while working. So The LORD is asking us to become bound to HIM at the neck (the part of the body that controls where we look and focus our attention) and learn of HIM. As we become bound to HIM, in the SPIRIT because HE IS A SPIRIT, and then learn about HIM through HIS WORD which is TRUTH! As HE moves… we move! Now the effort we once put forth trying to make things happen (Carnality) HE'S now making happen, because THE BATTLE IS NOT OURS BUT THE LORDS II CRON. 20:15 (AMP). Once HE does it it's FINISHED, as a matter of fact, IT'S ALREADY DONE, IT’S BEEN FINISHED! HE left us nothing ELSE to do, but BELIEVE (having Faith in the finished works of Jesus). I believe that's REFRESHING. Our only work is to get to know (studying to show ourselves approved) Him. To know HIM is to trust HIM. To know HIM is to LOVE HIM. That’s the burden HES made light for us. Let’s get yoked up together with Jesus and REST in the KNOWING that the work has already been done. REST in the KNOWING that our way has already been made. REST in the KNOWING our ransoms have been paid (remember the BLOOD). There is no more debt, JESUS paid it all! Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog of the day.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Seeking Substance

Prov.31:10-12 (Amplified) A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman, who is he that can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is FAR ABOVE RUBIES OR PEARLS. The heart of her husband trusts in her confidently and relies on and believes in her securely, so he has no lack of gain or need of spoil. She comforts, encourages, and does him only GOOD as long as there is life in her. Sounds like a women of SUBSTANCE to me! People today say they want SUBSTANCE without having any idea what it really is. I hear women say all the time they don’t want men that are attracted to them just for their beauty, but yet that’s all they give a man to see. They take more time beautifying themselves than they do showing there intelligence or giving their talents. Not knowing, you can’t see substance. SUBSTANCE isn't tangible. SUBSTANCE is not a big house, expensive car or large bank account. You can't see it, taste it or feel it. Substance is something many women say they want in a man, but do they really? If so are you willing to pay the price? SUBSTANCE will cost you everything. SUBSTANCE may mean leaving a nice comfortable beautiful home. SUBSTANCE may mean leaving all you know to travel to a strange land (obedience). Did I say having SUBSTANCE may cost you something? It will cause people to leave you, even people you love (because they don't want to go through the trials with you)..!!! Ok so why does SUBSTANCE cost? The number one reason SUBSTANCE cost, Is because we must die to self (everything we feel makes us…. us!) (comfortability). The bible says we must die daily. Being a BELIEVER means we are led by the SPIRIT of GOD, and being lead, requires obedience to the voice of GOD. Think about how many patriarchs in the bible were called to leave their riches to trust the voice of GOD. Did The Lord have them give up riches and honor among men because HE just wanted to see them alone? No I believe it was for them to grow more intimate with HIM and to realize where their real security comes from. GOD can never trust anyone that has no SUBSTANCE. People with SUBSTANCE are no longer caught up with their own popularity or caught up with the praises of the people that only followed based on what they had and what they look like. I realize money and material possessions are very attractive to those that have never really had their own or to those that are shallow, but when you really get a taste of the FATHER you will realize the SUBSTANCE HE gives and those things no longer have significance or hold true value. Your life begins to be filled with so many other possibilities that money could never buy. True love for example, material has no barring in relationships full of SUBSTANCE; BECAUSE THE FOUNDATION is rooted in LOVE and Love is GOD. Where does money and material come in at? Money comes into it when one or both parties have no FAITH in the others relationship with GOD or realize the price that they may have to pay for this love may be to uncomfortable. Therefore revealing the lack of SUBSTANCE, love or understanding the other may have. Let me prove it to you. Let’s take King David. He was a man of SUBSTANCE that became wealthy because of his SUBSTANCE. David was a true leader even when he was over looked as the king because of his appearance and the job he held. Man looks at the outer but GOD see what's within! GOD never used anyone that had it going on from a worldly perspective. He always uses those that others have counted out. Then he prospers them as they walk in obedience. Look at Job, his friends turned their back and the love of his life threw in the towel as well, and forfeited her BLESSING, because Job was seemingly cursed (money and assets where gone for a season). Job was all alone, no one believed in his transition, his new elevation. Why is that? It may be because they never really loved him at all but was just attracted to the “Myth” of who he was (prosperity he had), or maybe they just had their own things they were concerned about and didn't understand the principles of GOD. Not knowing that When you choose to lose yourself to BLESS and support others (showing true SUBSTANCE), HE'S OBLIGATED to take care of your struggles (issues). Now let’s talk about what exactly SUBSTANCE is: The dictionary definition says that it is the ultimate reality that underlies all outward manifestations and change. SUBSTANCE is having the attitude that says to anyone you come in contact with, that you possess the power to elevate them to next level of living. SUBSTANCE is letting GOD build you from the inside out, even if it cost you your comfortability, your popularity and worldly possessions. People with SUBSTANCE are not subject to what others think about who they’re with, and what they have and don't have. SUBSTANCE is an overwhelming knowing that your life has already been designed and you have an attitude of gratitude for every small thing that GOD has allowed you to go through. Most people think they want a person with SUBSTANCE and will lie and deceive to get that person until they see how much it cost. Then they become like the rich man that couldn't make it into HEAVEN cause he was too caught up on his material possessions (money) and the thought of how he was going to make it if he gave his wealth away (self-consumed). But just think if he would of..! It takes a person of SUBSTANCE to be with a true KINGDOM woman or man of GOD(the price is too great for most). The sad thing is these people never reach purpose, because purpose is wrapped up In SUBSTANCE....!!! Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog of the day.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Broken Hearts

The world is filled with people going through every day life functions with BROKEN HEARTS. They have BROKEN HEARTS from disappointments, BROKEN HEARTS from BETRAYAL and BROKEN HEARTS from ABUSE...ect..! The seriousness in the matter is that most people don't even realize there HEART Is BROKEN. They feel healed set free and delivered. They figure they have moved on or have moved passed whatever it was that had broken them. Why is that you might ask? It may be because, they no longer feel the hurt or at least the pain of it, but does that mean it’s gone? In reality, your HEART could still be broken, unless JESUS HAS REALLY HEALED It. If not, it’s just temporarily until something reminds us or does something that causes us to remember, and then we start getting flash backs of what we went through and what we lost. So then the running begins. The running begins because of the fear or pain we once felt, and the thought of that brokenness, usually outweighs the possibilities of what GOD has placed in OUR life in that moment. We become so paralyzed by those memories that we go right back to hiding, hiding from what could be. Being healed and delivered from something doesn't mean we forget, it just means it doesn't control us anymore (doesn't have the same effects). When We are really HEALD we have freedom to love life and people with no boundaries. We become very optimistic, trusting and BELIEVING that whatever GOD said we can have, WE HAVE. No matter what the situation looks like, we know we will never truly be alone again. We BELIEVE THAT our GOD WILL supply us with ALL our needs (Phil.4:18) So why are so many people operating in life with BROKEN HEARTS? It’s because most cover it up by marrying or getting in relationships that are myths. What are myths? Myth are the fantasies we make up when we feel will complete, because someone may have money, status, or beauty. When truthfully none of that has GODS POWER to HEAL OR COMPLETE us. Some people last months before they are on to the next one and some last for years, never understanding the real issue, but soon as their mate doesn’t add up to the myths or they get reminded of something that hurt them, the signs of that BROKEN HEART re-surface. The problem in situations like this is that people sometimes expect more from their mate than they do GOD. Ladies and gentleman Completeness (PERFECTION) comes from the LORD. Are we really happy alone? Can we honestly say we don't want a mate? Most people are looking and praying everyday for someone to complete them, someone that can make them feel SECURE, and LOVED UNCONDITIONAL. Not understanding that our completeness, security and unconditional LOVE can only come from GOD. Until we TRUELY accept GODS LOVE AND SECURITY, We can never be WHOLE and HEALED from Our BROKEN HEARTS. Therefore, man/woman's imperfect love will never be enough because we haven't TRUELY accepted GOD’S PERFECT LOVE (WHOLENESS) Prov. 4:23 states to guard our HEARTS because out of the HEART flows the issues of life. That’s why it’s important to be fed by the WORD of GOD! So how do our hearts get unbroken? How do we become whole without looking for the approval of others to complete us (which most of us are guilty of)? #1 We have to be in the right ministry (church) that's feeding us GODS WORD of GRACE. That's done by being faithful to bible study's and regular Sunday attendance. #2 We have to forgive ourselves and stay consistent on that GRACE PATH. The bible says not to get weary and faint (run,give up), because in due time and that appointed season we shall reap. #3 WE must be secure in GODS LOVE, and SECURE in HIS IDENTITY. As we step into are WHOLENESS we are identified by HIS GLORY, HIS MAJESTY AND HIS COMPLETENESS. Nothing can harm us. We become bold in are FAITH and can have regular relationships that we add to and not take from. We stop to being abusers (people that hurt people), users (people that take from people) or confusers (people that send mix messages because they are never sure). I challenged you today to accept GOD’S COMPLETENESS AND BE WHOLE and let HIM HEAL your BROKEN HEART...!!! Be blessed and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog of the day.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fear vs Hearts Desires

Fear is an internal enemy of your HEARTS DESIRES. Fear will rob you from the greatest things GOD intends for you to have. You have to check fear or it will turn into panic. You have to open your mouth and talk back to fear. Speak The WORD... Speak! 2Tim 1:7 For GOD didn't give us the spirit of timidity (fear) but of POWER, LOVE, CALM, WELL- BALANCED, DISCIPLINE AND SELF- CONTROL. You have to tell fear you don't have time for it! NOW, LATER or EVER! Fear will talk you out of things (DESTINY) GOD has given you permission to have. We PRAY for things and GOD grants it and because it’s not totally packaged just right or may take a little more patience to fully MANIFEST, we get scared and run. You can't look at where you are and what you have to sum up what you think GOD is capable of doing. There is hidden recourse that you have no idea existed, that GOD is just waiting for the right ingredient (FAITH) to release it. There are strengths that GOD put in us to weather the storm. We as people seek the opinions of others to try and figure out how and what to do in moments of fear. The world can never tell you what GOD said you can have (only GOD). They can never tell you the potential of something or someone (only GOD). If GOD said you can have it, it’s yours! If GOD said you would be wealthy, you will be! But understand that you will be tested on EVERYTHING GOD SAID YOU CAN HAVE. It's the devils job to try and make you run away and forfeit your BLESSING. His job is to scare you from moving when GOD said GO! There will always be provision for what GOD tells us to do and where HE tells us to go. We may not always feel it or see it, but we MUST BELIEVE IT!...That's the hardest thing for people to do, is BELIEVE THEY CAN BE OR HAVE THEIR HEARTS DESIRES. The things we go through as children of GOD, qualify us for things to come. Don’t despise the struggle or battle you are in. Whatever challenge or fear that may attack you please be reminded that you are right where you are suppose to be! Keep the right spirit and fight for what's yours. GOD is looking for the people HE can trust with their HEARTS DESIRES. Those that won't run from their PROMISE, those that can BELIEVE AND TELL fear to back off! Any time GOD allows you to go to the bottom and HE raises you back up, HES not worried about you being arrogant and self consumed. He knows you can be trusted with HIS PROMISES. One look back and we are reminded how far we have come. GOD IS LOOKING FOR US TO REMEMBER WHAT HE HAS PROTECTED US FROM, AND WHAT HE HAS PROVIDED even when we didn't believe and fully trust HIM. What fear has you running, and Forfeiting GODS PROMISES TO YOU? I challenge you to have FAITH AND BELIEVE THAT GOD WOULDN'T HAVE EVER TEASED YOU WITH SOMETHING AND THEN HAVE YOU BE fearful of it. BELIEVE IN THE PROMISE AND WATCH YOUR HEARTS DESIRES MANIFEST....!!!! Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog of the day.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Self Evaluation

This passed week I was forced to really exam myself on a level I never thought was necessary before. IV always felt like a good Loyal, trustworthy and sincere person, that never hurts anyone (which most people think about themselves). I had to do some SELF EVALUATION. Have you ever stop to think about the way You may talk to people when frustrated or passionate about something? Do you think about how you communicate when lots of emotion is involved? Do you get brash (self-assertive in a rude, loud or overbearing way)? Are you quick to always be right? Are you super aggressive to the point where you may be viewed as abusive in speech. In James 1:19 (AMP) he talks about being quick to hear( being a ready listener) slow to speak and slow to take offense and get angry. Most people are not really good listeners, we form opinions of what we think people are saying (or what we think they really want to say) without hearing what they are really saying. We then take offense and out hurt get angry and speak out fast with a bunch of emotions. The problem with emotions, is that they change, but the scars they leave don't leave so easy. I understand we are all human, but that doesn't excuse negative speech. If we start being more mindful, by SELF EVALUATING and start TRUELY listening more and really understanding the message being delivered. Misunderstanding and hurt feelings wouldn't be so common. We ruin great partnerships and relationships with being so quick to speak without hearing. Take a SELF EVALUATION and see if your really listening or talking. Are you always right? Do you think about the other persons feelings when you speak? Being Right doesn't always mean your being affective. All these are to be considered while communicating with others. You never know how many people feel abused or misunderstood by you. SELF EVALUATION is a must. Know one is perfect and right all the time. Misunderstandings happen everyday and its up to you to EVALUATE how you listen and respond. Our responses should always be from a position of LOVE and not with a spirit of offense. LOVE never offends but protects and brings comfort. LOVE wants to give peace and joy. SELF EVALUATE AND WATCH GOD WORK WONDERS IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS...!!!! Be Blessed my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog of the day.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Man's soul design was to LEAD (give direction) and to have DOMINION (AUTHORITY) in the earth. Attributes of GOD (HIS Image and Likeness). On a previous blog, I talked about being broken bread and poured out wine, which became necessary, due to the sin committed in the garden of Eden. Since the beginning man has been challenged with walking in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of GOD. If no one has ever told you about the ransom that was paid IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS or you HAVE just chosen not to BELIEVE... You need to know that the BLOOD OF JESUS HAS GIVEN us back our TRUE IMAGE AND LIKENESS. You might be asking yourself what does all this mean? GODS IMAGE AND LIKENESS. LEADING and having DOMINION. Well let’s start in the order GOD spoke it. In HIS IMAGE and LIKENESS means That God has given man INTELLECT (the ability to learn and understand) FREE WILL (the ability to choose between one action and another) SELF-DETERMINATION (determining our own lives) and SPIRIT (GODS BREATH) which is HIS SPIRIT. MEN we will never be satisfied with the world’s way of doing things. That's why most men have an unquenchable thirst for multiple women. There really thirsting for that belonging that only comes by and through the WORD OF GOD. MAN will always have a hunger for the things of GOD that's why (Matt.4:4) talks about not being satisfied with just natural food but to feed our SPIRIT MAN. We have GODS Nature inside of us. This ultimately allows us to know, Love and commune with HIM and others. So now that we understand HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS. To LEAD and DOMINATE (having authority over) was HIS next command. Hebrews 2:7 says that MAN was ranked lower and inferior to the Angels; but was crowned with GLORY (a state of great gratification or exaltation) and honor (worth being respected). He was given charge OVER EVERY WORK OF GOD HAND. GOD placed EVERYTHING UNDER OUR FEET. No wonder HE made us a helpmate...lol. That's a lot of responsibility for MAN. Ok, so now that we understand what HE commanded of us. Why did HE give us so GREAT of a responsibility in Earth? That purpose was so that we would represent the rule and reign of GOD to establish HIS Plan and Purpose, and to manifest HIS GLORY (majesty). HIS LIKENESS AND IMAGE. Most MEN have not accepted their true calling to rule and reign in the earth by dominating what GOD has given them to ruler over (their talents). We are too busy trying to rule each other which was not on the list that was to be ruled by MAN. The Bible said to follow me as I follow Christ. Another example was the parable of the Talents (Matt.25:14-30) when the man entrusted his servants with his property. One he gave 5 another 2 and another 1. Each one he gave according to their ability. When he returned the one he gave 5 and 2 they doubled it, and he was very pleased and gave them more. But the one he gave the 1 to had the same 1 he gave him when he left. The master called him wicked and slothful and took the one from him and gave to the one that had the most. Why did he call him wicked and slothful? Wicked originates from the word wicker which meant to twist (candle wick). The twisted definition of wicked was formed from an easier word meaning weak. Slothful was considered a condition; not liking to work. So the master was calling this man weak and lazy for not taking authority and walking in GODS IMAGE AND LIKENESS. This was such a serious crime that he casted him into the outer darkness. How many of you MEN feel like you’re in outer darkness, lost with no purpose? If I'm talking to you, you need to asked GOD to forgive you and to enlighten your eyes of understanding on how to walk in HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS and to figure out what business is inside of you that your suppose to be DOMINATING AND LEADING others to recognize. Men we have been in trusted with the awesome job and responsibility of being like our FATHER. Let’s take our rightful places and subdue (rule or reign) the Earth and be FRUITFUL (producing good or helpful results; productive). And stop sitting around abusing and mishandling your mate because you have lost your LIKENESS AND IMAGE GOD said was so and that JESUS gave HIS BLOOD for. I'm up for the task, are YOU? Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned to my next GOD inspired blog of the day...!!!

Sunday, July 7, 2013


PUSH I read a post the other day that has made me think about the importance of women in the life of a MAN. Why did GOD create Adam a helpmate (Eve)? What was her true purpose in his life? Why did GOD say it wasn't good for him to be alone? The amplified said it’s not sufficient, satisfactory that man be alone. This leaves the implication that he was lacking something without a woman. Well let’s see what HE said about the woman. Gen.2:18 (AMP) says that the women would be Suitable, Adapted and Complementary. Taking a closer look at the meanings of these words, Suitable being the first word means, Right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose or situation. Next word is Adapted, meaning suitable for a new or purpose; or becoming adjusted to new conditions. Last but not least Complementary, which means combining two or more different things in such a way as to enhance or emphasize each other’s qualities. So is it safe to say that GOD created men that have Goals, Plans and Dreams with a need for a Woman? I would dare to say yes! My rationale is based on the Word of God and also the feeling you have as a man when you have a woman that has Faith in your dreams and vision. No matter who else doesn't Believe, as long as she does, you feel as if you could rule the world, but if she doesn't you don’t feel as confident and start to second guess your vision. A woman’s support will change a man’s reality from impossible to possible, from maybe to definitely! Women, never underestimate your power and perspective you have in relationship with your man. You are a force that GOD said was Right, Appropriate, Suitable, and able to adjust to new conditions. HE also said you would enhance and emphasize the quality of your Man. That's a heck of a responsibility and privilege at the same time, knowing your significance in the life of your man! You are partners in the vision. So HIS DREAM now becomes YOUR VISION. Beside every great man of faith and vision is a WOMAN PUSHING. In a sense, it’s the woman’s job to make sure her man reaches his purpose. So ladies anytime your man acts like or even says he doesn't need you or that he can do this without you. Remind him of your GOD given Purpose and continue PUSHING him to GREATNESS...!!!! Be BLESSED my friends and stay to tuned to my next GOD inspired blog of the day.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Believing the vision

VISION and the Reality of that VISION (MANIFESTATION) our on opposites sides of each other. When GOD gives us VISION HE never shows us the road we must travel to get there. We never see the frustrations, the pain and the misunderstandings You may encounter with others. When VISION is first realized its exciting and some times very overwhelming. The thoughts of what you will have and what you will be will consume your dreams and thoughts. Life becomes so great and everyday is filled with such warm feelings and great expectations. Then over time the reality of our ups and downs and circumstances that may not allow you to do things you would like to do, starts to frustrate and kill the enthusiasm you once had about the VISION GOD once showed you. Kind of like relationships. When you first meet a person everything is to good to be true, nothing that a person does changes your thoughts of your future with them because you believe in each others plan and VISION for your life. Then those up's and down's start to happen and the enthusiasm of the relationship starts to waver or be strained. The VISION you once had in that relationship is Eventually lost, forgotten or second guessed. That my friends is right where the advisory wants you. Back to the trying to do things ourselves instead of TRUSTING the VISION. Those are the times we need to get into The Lord Presence to strengthen us to remain faithful to the VISION that we first believed . When we give in to desperation we open the door for something else to stop us or slow us down from GODS intended Purpose. Know one said getting to purpose (VISION) would be a easy transition. When your purpose (VISION) driven you always have the temptation to focus more on temporary struggles of the journey than you do to the ONE (GOD) THAT GAVE YOU THE VISION. Remember if HE GAVE YOU THE VISION, THE PROVISION WILL FOLLOW. You must have FAITH to see the VISION through. If not you will never have what GOD said you could have. The bible says though the VISION TARRIES TO WAIT ON IT (Hab. 2:3) The VISION WON'T DISAPPOINT YOU... ONLY BELIEVE....!!!!! Be inspired my friends and stay tuned to my next inspired blog of the day..!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Do you Know Your Purpose?

(Prov. 19:21) Many are the plans in a mans heart but GOD's PURPOSE shall prevail. God designed us with a certain PURPOSE, we may not know or like it, but it doesn't change what we where designed to do. GOD might allow different situation and circumstances to come in to our life that may change what our PURPOSE looks like , but HE will never change our PURPOSE. PUROPSE is so serious that Jesus Dried up a fig tree for not producing fruit (its intended PURPOSE) Our true PURPOSE is what gives us meaning. Your vocation or occupation is most likely not your PURPOSE but may be the vehicle GOD uses to get you there. So don't be so consumed with your jobs that you miss PURPOSE.  Our LORD AND SAVIOR (Jesus Christ) profession was a carpenter, but that wasn't HIS PURPOSE. With out PURPOSE we are reckless and lifeless. That's why men/women have such a hard time fulfilling PURPOSE. The absence of fathers has crippled the human race. One of the jobs of Fathers is to impart PURPOSE; which gives direction in the lives of there children. So what do you do when your natural father never spoke PURPOSE into your life? You must communicate with your HEAVENLY FATHER (your creator). This is done by being mature enough to except HIS SON JESUSE as your LORD AND SAVIOR. then learn to yield to HIM (HIS VOICE), and let HIS HOLY SPIRIT speak PURPOSE (vision) in you. Many people our busy doing all kinds of things that may or may not be self fulfilling, but are not aligned with PURPOSE. Remember no matter how much we resist or fight to go another rout our PURPOSE never changes. Dont forget the story of Jonah (Jonah 1:2) Jonah ran as long as he could from PURPOSE (his true design), but at the end of the day his PURPOSE never changed. He just went through unnecessary turmoil for not following GODS plan for his life.  How many of you are in self inflected turmoil, for not hearing or understanding your PURPOSE?  Just like HE did with Jonah when he went another route, GOD has a way of redirecting us. Wether through pain and misfortune or by our obedience to HIS voice. For true peace, joy and fulfillment we must do what GOD created us to do and stay on the path of PURPOSE, that one day we also can say like Jesus said on the cross...IT IS FINISHED...!!! Be BLESSED MY FRIENDS AND STAY TUNED TO MY NEXT GOD INSPIRED BLOG.