Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Man's soul design was to LEAD (give direction) and to have DOMINION (AUTHORITY) in the earth. Attributes of GOD (HIS Image and Likeness).
On a previous blog, I talked about being broken bread and poured out wine, which became necessary, due to the sin committed in the garden of Eden. Since the beginning man has been challenged with walking in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of GOD. If no one has ever told you about the ransom that was paid IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS or you HAVE just chosen not to BELIEVE... You need to know that the BLOOD OF JESUS HAS GIVEN us back our TRUE IMAGE AND LIKENESS.
You might be asking yourself what does all this mean? GODS IMAGE AND LIKENESS. LEADING and having DOMINION. Well let’s start in the order GOD spoke it. In HIS IMAGE and LIKENESS means That God has given man INTELLECT (the ability to learn and understand) FREE WILL (the ability to choose between one action and another) SELF-DETERMINATION (determining our own lives) and SPIRIT (GODS BREATH) which is HIS SPIRIT. MEN we will never be satisfied with the world’s way of doing things. That's why most men have an unquenchable thirst for multiple women. There really thirsting for that belonging that only comes by and through the WORD OF GOD. MAN will always have a hunger for the things of GOD that's why (Matt.4:4) talks about not being satisfied with just natural food but to feed our SPIRIT MAN. We have GODS Nature inside of us. This ultimately allows us to know, Love and commune with HIM and others.
So now that we understand HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS. To LEAD and DOMINATE (having authority over) was HIS next command. Hebrews 2:7 says that MAN was ranked lower and inferior to the Angels; but was crowned with GLORY (a state of great gratification or exaltation) and honor (worth being respected). He was given charge OVER EVERY WORK OF GOD HAND. GOD placed EVERYTHING UNDER OUR FEET. No wonder HE made us a That's a lot of responsibility for MAN. Ok, so now that we understand what HE commanded of us. Why did HE give us so GREAT of a responsibility in Earth? That purpose was so that we would represent the rule and reign of GOD to establish HIS Plan and Purpose, and to manifest HIS GLORY (majesty). HIS LIKENESS AND IMAGE. Most MEN have not accepted their true calling to rule and reign in the earth by dominating what GOD has given them to ruler over (their talents). We are too busy trying to rule each other which was not on the list that was to be ruled by MAN. The Bible said to follow me as I follow Christ. Another example was the parable of the Talents (Matt.25:14-30) when the man entrusted his servants with his property. One he gave 5 another 2 and another 1. Each one he gave according to their ability. When he returned the one he gave 5 and 2 they doubled it, and he was very pleased and gave them more. But the one he gave the 1 to had the same 1 he gave him when he left. The master called him wicked and slothful and took the one from him and gave to the one that had the most. Why did he call him wicked and slothful? Wicked originates from the word wicker which meant to twist (candle wick). The twisted definition of wicked was formed from an easier word meaning weak. Slothful was considered a condition; not liking to work. So the master was calling this man weak and lazy for not taking authority and walking in GODS IMAGE AND LIKENESS. This was such a serious crime that he casted him into the outer darkness. How many of you MEN feel like you’re in outer darkness, lost with no purpose? If I'm talking to you, you need to asked GOD to forgive you and to enlighten your eyes of understanding on how to walk in HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS and to figure out what business is inside of you that your suppose to be DOMINATING AND LEADING others to recognize. Men we have been in trusted with the awesome job and responsibility of being like our FATHER. Let’s take our rightful places and subdue (rule or reign) the Earth and be FRUITFUL (producing good or helpful results; productive). And stop sitting around abusing and mishandling your mate because you have lost your LIKENESS AND IMAGE GOD said was so and that JESUS gave HIS BLOOD for. I'm up for the task, are YOU?
Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned to my next GOD inspired blog of the day...!!!
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