Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Prelude to my Book "Transition"

Prelude of my book


Transition is described as a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another.  This book is about one man’s Faith walk to purpose, and the many life challenges that being obedient to the call of GOD has.   This book will serve as a true example of how the universe will open up, when you starve your fears and feed your faith, when you have more faith in GODS promises than you do Satan's lies.  Go on a journey with me, through Transition, as I share some of my intimate thoughts, as I fought through trials, tribulations, heart break and the everyday frustrations of life.  Through this 9 month journey, you will get a chance to visualize how I battled between following the principles of this worldly system or the principles of GOD Kingdom.  Witness my growth and how I learned what it was to be a True Believer in Christ Jesus, and the cross one must bare to walk in His Promises.  Obedience allowed me not to make any excuses for my situation and empowered me to follow that small hidden voice to freedom. 

As Believers by Faith we have to launch out into all the written (WORD OF GOD) possibilities that the finished works of Jesus offers us. Take a trip with me as The Lord allowed me to be broken, pruned and developed through heart ache, deception and my own carnal (selfish) desires.  Find out how I went from a six figure income with every material want I could think of, but yet had no real joy.  How dating some of the most beautiful women, men would ever want, but brung me no true self-worth, but only served as a reminder of what popularity and material attracts from people.  To zero income with a peace that surpasses all understanding, which produced a life of substance and passion for the things of GOD.  Find out How I learned that a certain picture you paint of yourself will cause other to love you with a worldly love (emotional), that Love that’s based on the possibilities of what could be, not the God kind of love, that’s committed Love, meaning circumstances cant change it. 

Through this Spiritual Journey GOD showed me what true substance looks like, and how important our purpose as Believers in Christ is.  Without purpose, life is as shallow as a person dating because of status or the type of car someone drives.  The sad reality is that's what America is turning into, a bunch of people chasing people and things (myths) for happiness; there made up answer to completeness.  

I was inspired to write this book to help guide and save our next generation of young people and possibly give revelation to my peers and elders.  Before this Transition, I thought I was living a life of selflessness, dedication to helping the plight of mankind, by fostering homeless children, providing many different services and programs for uneducated and economically challenged families in my city, but Through this Transition, GOD has shown me that it was all vain works and that I haven't even scratch the surface of servitude.  We as Believers are only as good as the people we help realize their potential and purpose they possess in HIM.  We must poor ourselves out completely to help the lost, and let the LORD refill us.

This Transition has opened my eyes to a whole other world of possibilities in which I want to share with the world.  It has shown me a world, where material and money are just things that SERVE us and not what we serve.  95 percent of the people I know are struggling financially, which makes them a slave to money and things.  They have to go to work every day, maybe even work overtime or work 2 or more jobs to pay for things they didn’t even need.  This world is filled with people wanting, and willing to do anything to get it.  In 2013 the U.S. total consumer debt is at $11.4 Trillion, including mortgages, auto loans, credit cards and student loans.  How can this be, when GOD has given us everything we need, that does not require debt?  In this Transition I’ve learned how to live in a different government, the government of the Kingdom of GOD, a debt free system of doing things.   Read and find out how to be translated into a new system of living that’s not controlled by wants (greed, and selfish desires), but by purposeful GOD directed living.  People that are after the riches of this world will never really experience the Joy of the LORD, which is our true strength and completeness. 

                By the end of this book you will feel empowered to no longer except the lies your circumstances tell you.  You will learn to appreciate the small things in life, and understand that walking by faith may entail being broken, being broken to all your desires and selfish wants.  You may be forced to trust your struggle, with your heart broken from bad relationships or just everyday situations, and all along doing the will of GOD, while waiting on HIS Promises to manifest in your life.   After reading this book, my prayer is that you start to challenge yourself to ask GOD to enlighten your eyes of understanding to HIS finished work, and totally understand what price HE paid for our Freedom.  Be Blessed my friends and stay tuned to my next GOD inspired book…I love you with the Love of Christ our LORD and SAVIOR..!!!

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