Thursday, August 1, 2013

Being Grateful


       Today I am so grateful for GODS faithfulness.  I’m grateful, because HE is so true to HIS WORD.  About three weeks ago, GOD spoke to me and told me that within 30 days HE would literally started translating HIS finished works out of the spirit realm, into the natural realm.  That, those blood bought manifestations, would start to overtake me.  This Transition would start to take a turn in my favor, with income, my own place, and permanent transportation in tack.  Well Tuesday of this week I was phoned by a company that has had my resume for about 2 months, and never has taken a look at it until that day.  When the women called me, she stated that her supervisor asked her why my resume, and she replied, “because, he’s from Toledo, Ohio.  Her supervisor said she wouldn’t have ever bothered with someone that lives that far out…Lol..!!! The FAVOR and FIATHFULNESS of GOD is amazing.  This was actually the women’s first day of work and she called me for a meeting (look at GOD) She had just moved here from Columbus, Ohio.  Something about Columbus...hmmm.

 I was hired in as a site director, at a local school, in Alpharetta, Georgia, being responsible for supervising and training about 5-6 employees.  This has surely been a long journey of many obstacles, twist and turns.  I started this journey alone, just GOD and I, and I’m finishing it that way as well.  “Transition” has been good for me, even though I’ve had to cry sometimes to release some emotions, from frustration and heart break, but I’m still here.  We never know what GOD has for us, or when HE will manifest HIS promises, just know HE will be true to HIS WORD.  All we ever need is in HIM.  He promised never to leave us or forsake us.  He told us to keep our lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have (Heb.13:5).  I can honestly say I have trusted GOD in this “Transition” more than I can ever remember.  The ride has been one of such great enlightenment.  Enlightenment about what’s really in me, and what's not in other people, that I was connected to.  I don’t regret any of this “Transition”; I just wish some could have made it with me.  Could you imagine the bond that would have been shared?  Some just are not ready for GODS best yet.  No matter how hard we try as believers, everyone we love won’t make it to their purpose.  It cost too much, and most feel like they have went through enough of life’s rough patches.  So they continue to play it safe, not realizing there dying a slow death.  We can’t dictate what GOD is going to allow us to go through, to get us to are promises.  Our job is to just make sure we line up with HIS WORD and the rest is on GOD (No matter what it looks like).  You can’t judge your future on your past, because most of the time, in our past, we were not even following the teachings of the LORD to be able to even resist Satan and his demonic henchman.  Now that we no better we should do better.  GOD is waiting on you to just leap out on faith and let HIM truly heal your heart, and allow you to DREAM again.  Some have been so fearful that they even stopped dreaming, feeling like it will never happen for them, unless they marry some rich man or women, which is putting all their faith in flesh.  GOD will never allow you to prosper until you learn to trust HIM, and HIM alone, but remember GOD is a SPIRIT and works through people (HIS PEOPLE).

I will finish today’s blog with a HALLELUJAH and THANK YOU JESUS….What the devil meant for my destruction, GOD made it for my GOOD.  Life is so GOOD and I wish the people I love would just take hold of HIS goodness and LIVE….REALLY LIVE….!!!!  Instead of the everyday, every week same old, same old…Be blessed my friends and stay tune for my next GOD inspired blog…. Praise Report, MY NEW HOME….!!!!

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