Tuesday, August 13, 2013


On my second day on the job, I feel so blessed and grateful for GOD being so faithful to HIS WORD.  I love the children I’ve been Blessed to work with and the amazing staff that work with me to nurture, educate and push to these beautiful children to the next level in life.  I’ve waited 8 months to be a force in these children’s lives.  What an awesome task and privilege to be able to impart knowledge and wisdom to such young fresh minds.  Dealing with so many people of all ages sometimes desensitizes you from understanding or believing that there really are people that want and appreciate your impartation.  I love knowing I make a difference in some one’s life.  That’s our divine purpose to leave a mark, a legacy behind that leaves a road map for others to one day follow into Destiny.  There is enough people leaving there children with generational cures and soul ties, and don’t even know it.  Let’s make a conscious decision today, to start over and do what’s right now.  You can’t change the past, but you can definitely change your future and the future of others watching.  It’s so much easier to do better today than to try and fix yesterday.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, this is why HE came.  HIS Purpose is to comfort, lead and guide us in all truth.  We as people, try to do so many things by ourselves, when we don’t have to.  Consult your HELPER  (Holy Spirit) and watch how life decisions starts to become clearer.  I asked the Holy Spirit everyday where should I go and what I should do.  Its little things, that HE shows us, that will make a tremendous difference in your life. 

I’ve been looking for a place to live that’s closer to my job; I have looked at a few places that have not really sat well in my spirit.  I know when the Holy Spirit is talking because #1 it requires FAITH #2 it requires COURAGE #3 it requires PEACE and #5 it usually goes against my natural reasoning and the rationalities of the world.   I haven’t felt any of that until today.  Today my brother called to talk about the contract I received with a very diverse school in Roswell, Ga.  Initially I thought the school was in Alpharetta, Ga, but I was mistaken.  Very close but no cigar..lol   Any who, I told him about the school the teachers, faculty, children and my awesome staff.  As the conversation went on I told him how I wanted a place out there to be closer to where I’m contracted, due to the fact that shortly, I’ll be teaching there as well.  He then remembered a friend he has been connected with, for over 15 years.  He called him and made the connection, and found out his son goes to the school I’m contracted at.  Shortly after, me and the gentleman spoke on the phone and I felt the Holy Spirit telling me he is the one that will help me in the process of finding my new place.  Now tell me, for those that just believe in happenstance.  What’s the probability of me after 8 months of being here, getting a contract in a city 45 minutes from what I’ve learned to be familiar with, and then get introduce to a gentleman my brother knows that is dying to get me set up and connected In that area, that’s meeting tomorrow.  Let me help you, IT DOESN’T HAPPEN without “DIVINE CONNECTION” IN A “DIVINE TRANSITION”.  I wish I could get the world to trust that small voice whispering in there heart, to just trust HIM, so HE may change their lives in ways they haven’t even dreamed of.  Be Blessed my friends and stay tuned to my next GOD inspired Blog of the day.

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