Sunday, September 1, 2013

My New Home

When I think about the beginning of this journey ("Divine Transition").  I think about the Valley’s, I was in for 9 month straight, and how it felt like the mountain top, most of the trip.  Though I have had many challenges, I still had the time of my life.  I traveled freely, I dated the girl of my dreams and most of all I’ve learned to trust GOD like never before.  Choosing to trust GOD through it all, has really taught me how to REST IN HIM.  I really understand now, what it means to REST.  IF IT DOESN’T CHALLENGE YOU IT CAN’T CHANGE YOU.  Change is good people.  On this DIVINE journey, I have experienced FREEDOM.  GOD has shown me PURPOSE and a new VISION.  I thank HIM for every obstacle, every hurt and everything that has come against me in this TRANSITION.  I've grown to be a man of PEACE, POWER, AUTHORITY AND POSSESING DOMINION, which is our original position in the earth.  My testimony now is that, if you truly TRUST THE LORD, there is NO LIMITS TO WHAT HE WILL DO, FOR THOSE THAT BELIEVE...!!!  My new home serves as a sign that those that seek FIRST the KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS (HIS way of doing things) all these things shall be added.  Everything and everyone that was supposed to be with me in this Transition, is still here and I appreciate your Love and your ability to see the GOD in my life.  Some have sown money and others have shared their love, and prayers.   For that I love you to life and you will share in my PROSPERITY, because you shared in my suffering.  Words can't describe the gratitude I feel for those that BELIEVED GOD with me that HE would be Faithful to HIS WORD HE spoke to me; concerning leaving my city and relocating to a foreign land.  Some felt I was just a hopeless dreamer with no direction, BUT GOD…LOL.  I implore you that are reading this, to listen to that Invisible partner (HOLY SPIRIT), that sometimes faint voice that speaks to you, with direction for your life.  How do you know if it’s the Holy Spirit? #1 way you no its HIM, is because it takes FAITH #2 it requires COURAGE #3 It must line up with GODS WORD (meaning that if it is not in the WORD it’s not HIM) #4 you will have PEACE #5 which is the hardest for most people.  It will Go against the natural REASONING and RATIONALIZATION of this World. (John.16:13-14) the Holy Spirit will guide you in ALL TRUTH AND SHOW YOU THINGS TO COME. All things the FATHER has, JESUS has, and the HOLY SPIRT will Transmit it to you, giving you the mind of Christ...!!!!
Be BLessed my friends and stay tune for my next God inspired blog of the day.

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