Sunday, June 30, 2013


      How do you PRIORITIZE when life seems to keep disappointing you? When people come in your life and take a piece of you and leave you all alone? How do you redirect the pain of lose? Things you thought would be forever that only lasted for a season.  I say you started making choices that fulfill your purpose and destiny.  Life is filled with so many distractions and people without vision and understanding of their purpose, that if you are not careful, they can make your life seem just as empty. Jesus made His decisions based on His purpose. The purpose HE came to fulfill here on earth. HE was never moved or surprised when others turn their back and denied HIM or left HIM.  Most people are only consumed with self (there issues and problems), not realizing that when you help others GOD is obligated to help you (remember to focus on your PROMISE and not the problems of life) When you understand your purpose you know why people do what they do, or why your finances maybe under attack and any other situation that plagues your life.  So when they leave you or deceive you and hurt you. Don’t let the pain take you out the race. Truthfully they are the ones really hurting.   It's not for you to dislike them or talk negatively about them, but to pray that God enlightens them to HIS purpose. When people are purpose drive they look at life with a different pair of lenses.  Money, relationships and past scares never effect or stop them from their Purpose.  So let purpose (vision) be the guide, that leads you to those people you let into your heart.  The bible says that people perish for the lack of knowledge (vision) which is attached to your purpose. You never want to give the wrong people to much of your time and emotions.  It could delay or derail you from it. So as you make your life plan to deal with the challenges of this world, make sure you allow GODS purpose for your life to determine your PRIORITIES.
Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Being Broken

      Today I had another demeaning attack against my FAITH; another humiliating moment; a moment of pruning. To GOD be the GLORY where all BLESSINGS FLOW; I'm determined to get EVERYTHING GOD has for me; I won't murmur or complain about these fiery trials. I'm reminded of JESUS’ crucifixion…He told GOD the FATHER to forgive those that had defamed HIS name; to forgive those who have condemned HIM to die, even though HE knew it would be unto death. HIS reason was that they “knew not what they do”. If they REALLY knew that HE was their SAVIOR they wouldn't have ever spoke Ill of HIM. Another scripture came to mind, to love and pray for those that persecute you (Matt.5:44Amp); Also, I love this next verse, (Luke 6:27-28 Amp) where HE says to treat well (do good to, act nobly toward) those who detest you and pursue you with hatred, and pronounce BLESSINGS (GOD FAVOR) upon those who abuse you (who revile, reproach, disparage, and high-handedly misuse you). WOW, that’s POWERFUL. Why in the world would the LORD say these things concerning your enemies? The author asked the question, why should GOD reward you if you only love the people that love you? Basically, are you showing HIM that you’re HIS son/daughter if you only pray and wish good for those that do the same for you? Jesus was literally broken and beat to pieces for us to LIVE (not to get what we deserve), so if we are going to Reign with HIM we must suffer with him; WE HAVE TO BE BROKEN BREAD AND POURD WINE. We can never be OVERCOMERS if we never have anything to overcome. We all have different experiences, different crushing's, per se, but we all must be broken and crushed(Christ Like). I don't know about you but I know I'm right where HE wants me to be. Our prayer must be, send me LORD, use me and find me worthy of YOUR best! Whatever it takes for my perfection, I'm willing to walk that walk and embrace the breaking; I know HE is with me know matter what.  I thank the Lord for the new ideas being birthed out of my crushing and for showing me how to carry them out.
     Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog of the day.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Trust your Struggle

   Today I was reminded of my struggles; the struggle of unemployment; the struggle of being dependent on others for help; the struggle of fighting the feelings of “why me”; the struggle of what I did to deserve my life circumstances…basically, the classic "poor me syndrome"? This prompted me to look up the word "STRUGGLE". The Webster dictionary describes struggle as making strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition; or, to proceed with difficulty and great effort. How many of you are struggling today; facing difficult times, opposition or having to use great effort to maintain a positive attitude or outlook on life? I implore you to TRUST YOUR STRUGGLE. I know you all are probably wondering just how you trust something that's difficult and painful. Hmm…it puts me in the mind of exercise and weight training. For those who are into muscle growth, you know that you have to tear down your muscles in order for them to GROW. Even though it’s a painful, strenuous, and sometimes difficult task, it’s a requirement for GROWTH. So, you might ask, “Are you saying that struggle means GROWTH?” Yes. Many of life experiences where we encounter struggle, we are  building strength. Whether it’s physical struggles for muscle GROWTH, OR mental struggles which builds CHARACTER / INTEGRITY. Spiritually speaking, the flesh hates to be told no. But as you practice telling it no your SPIRITMAN begins to GROW. As your SPIRITMAN GROWS your whole life is affected. You’ve heard it said that it only takes 30 days for something to become a habit (good, bad or indifferent); that's why it's important to get into the practice of repeating affirmations daily. Speak to your struggle, tell it thank you, UNDERSTANDING it's EQUIPTING you for GROWTH (Rom.5:3). Your mind has the power to take you wherever you want it to go (power of thought). TRUST THE STRUGGLE to take you just where you want to go and need to be. TRUST THE STRUGGLE to introduce you to your DESTINY and your PROMISE!!! Most people really don't trust the struggle so they abort and tap out (quit and/or blame others). Will you TRUST THE STRUGGLE in your life and let it have its PERFECT WORK? I hope so because it’s the only way to be BUILT for the job; the job of a BELIEVER a TRUE KINGDOM BUILDER (GODS man/women).
    Be blessed my friends and stay tuned for my next God inspired blog of the day…

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Living By FAITH

    As I awoke this morning, looking forward to another GOD filled day, I must admit that I was not feeling my best; so many things were running through my mind. I began thinking about my next move and what should it be.  I thought about employment; about having a home of my own again. I also thought about my time frame…how long and what will it take to obtain. I can’t help but think about whether I have overstayed my welcome in my friend’s home. Needless to say, a certain heaviness started to overcome me; so, I did the only thing I know to do in situations such as this…I started to pray and meditate on the PROMISES of GOD and not the problems.  As my SPIRITMAN (SUPERMAN) emerged, I started to remember that the JUST shall live by FAITH (Rom.1:17).  FAITH gives you the POWER to MENTALLY receive, to take full possession of, GODS ABUNDANCE; HIS WEALTH; HIS FAVOR; HIS LOVE, HIS HEALING, and HIS PEACE.  When we are truly RECEIVING GODS BLESSINGS, our minds, our conversations, and our living will be affected/change.  Most people think doing right causes you to be RIGHTEOUS, but Christianity is not about doing right to become RIGHTEOUS, it’s about BELIEVING in GOD, UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS (if it was by works, we wouldn’t need GRACE) (Rom.11:6).  Jesus’ death served as a ransom for every wrong thing we have done or will ever do, or think about doing.  Again the battle is in our minds.

    Part of my daily prayer and affirmations is putting on the full ARMOR of GOD, and as I got to the part where I shod my feet with the preparation of the GOSPEL (the UNBELIEVABLE GOOD NEWS OF GODS UNMERITED FAVOR) of PEACE, for the first time, I thought about what that really means.  The amplified bible says "to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the GOOD NEWS".  So, your position in life is from a VICTORIOUS POSITION. The fight has been fixed, we have already won…this is what the UNBELIEVBLE GOOD NEWS is all about.  As BELIEVERS, we are a part of the ROYAL PREISTHOOD; we are VICTORS and not victims; we are FIRST and not last; the curse has been lifted and the veil has been torn (Heb.10:19-20).  The COVANANT with GOD is no longer based on the law (how good we can be) but on HIS GRACE (UNMERITED FAVOR).  This was such a deep and comforting REVELATION this morning; this is what it means when they say that GOD gave HIS ONLY begotten SON, so they we may LIVE (BE SAVED).  I’m feeling so encouraged right now, I can’t help but to PRAISE GOD and BLESS HIS HOLY NAME! With the understanding that it’s nothing we did, this is more than enough reason to SHOUT and give HIM all the GLORY! Aren't you glade your success is not based on your perfections/imperfections or how great of a person you are?  I certainly am, because at times, we all miss the mark with our actions and deeds and even our very thoughts. (YIKES) thoughts too? Yes your thoughts too.  Always remember that GOD knows our hearts just as clearly as HE sees our actions.  Have FAITH that all is well with you in HIM.

Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog of the day!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Can you STAND to LEAD?

    As I sit here today, in a foreign place, resting and enjoying my time of waiting on GOD’S promises, I was reminded of what it takes to lead. Earlier, I received a call, informing me that I needed to return the car I’ve been driving (while my vehicle is in the repair facility). With that in mind, I may have to, again, resort to public transportation; for those who are reading my blog for the first time, in order to get to the bus stop, I have to walk 2 1/2 miles in the hot Atlanta sun…OUCH, that’s painful. As I contemplated that fate, I was then reminded that A LEADER gives guidance; A LEADER gives instructions. A LEADER also has to go before whatever or whomever they are leading. What I’m saying is, a LEADER must be trained and developed in order to LEAD. What does that mean? Glad you asked (smiles)…A LEADER must pave the way; many times he or she must tread in foreign waters…first; they may have to go through unchartered territory…first. By following specialized instructions and practice, A LEADER is developed and in order to lead, one must become proficient or better yet, an expert in their field. (Luke 24:26 amp) stated that it was good that Jesus had suffered all these things before entering into HIS GLORY, HIS MAJESTY and SPLENDOR!!! Jesus Christ was and is every BELIEVERS Perfect LEADER. With that said, pain is very necessary for the DEVELOPMENT of LEADERS that will walk in the IMAGE of CHRIST. Jesus bore every pain associated with this world; HE faced abandonment, frustration loneliness and betrayal; which leads me to believe that there must be a process to this thing called LEADERSHIP!!! Do you feel that we can cut corners that our SAVOR didn't? My question to you today is "Can you STAND to LEAD"? For those of you who know that you have been called to LEAD, don't focus on the process, focus on the PROMISE. You may ask, just what is the PROMISE? The PROMISE IS SUCCESS IN GODS COVENANT KINDNESS and COVENANT FAVOR; GODS GRACE (getting things you didn't earn or deserve); HIS SUPER NATURAL INCREASE, RESTORATION, HONOR, INCREASED ASSETS, RECOGNITION, PROMINENCE, and most of all BATTLES WONWHICH WE OURSELVES DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT. A LEADER must always remember that this race wasn't given to the swift but to those who can and will endure to the end (Eccl.9:11) (Matt.24:13). For those of you who are LEADING GOD’S people, HOLD ON AND BE STRONG IN THE LORD. The trials and tribulations you face are HIS way of DEVELOPING your SPIRITUAL MUSCLES. So, as you get ready for your day, put on the full armor of GOD, the helmet of Salvation, which protects your mind from the thoughts of this world. Put on The Breastplate of Righteousness which protects your heart from the cares of this world. Gird up your loins with truth and prepare your feet with the PEACE of the Gospel (overwhelming good news). Also, pick up the Shield of Faith that you may quench every evil attempt by the wicked one. Pick up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD of GOD (Eph.6:11-17 Amp). Today you shall be victorious not because of what it looks like or feels like, but because of what and in whom you BELIEVE!!!

Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned to my next GOD inspired Blog of the day

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What do u do while waiting?

What do you do while waiting? As I awoke on Saturday morning, I worked out with some friends at Foster Beach in Chicago, Ill. Yeah, I know, you're wondering how a trip to Chicago happens with no employment, right? Well, life is truly amazing!! As I typed this blog I was sitting eating breakfast at Nookies, a nice American style restaurant; the food was great and if you're ever in Chicago's Historic District in Edgewater, you should try it. Ok, now back to how I happened upon a trip to I reflect back to Friday, I'm thanking GOD again for allowing me to TRUST HIM. Initially, I wasn't going to make the trip to Chicago, based on my financial situation; however, I began to ponder, BUT WHAT DO YOU DO WHILE WAITING; waiting on GOD to open doors for you; waiting on God to give u that next great million dollar idea; or even waiting on someone to respond to the hundreds of applications for employment you've submitted? Well friends, I say you take advantage of every opportunity and seize every moment. Opportunities to see something new; opportunities to meet someone new; opportunities to learn something new. It's called networking and that's exactly what I've been doing with limited financial means. As you are a BLESSING to others, they will be a BLESSING to you (universal law). As I mentioned in a previous blog, I was ask to help some friends drive back to the old town I lived in (which, by the way, I ended up driving the entire trip). As a called a few people to let them know I was coming to town, one friend asked me to accompany him to Chicago later that evening and further stated that I need not worry about spending money, he said, "I got you, not only for helping me drive, but also for the great company". How many people think you're great company and want you around them for inspiration or simply to have a good time? We all have qualities that people love about us; do you no what your qualities are? If so, how are you perfecting them? Do you read? Do you pray? What are the things you're practicing that will help you be a better you? One of the biggest tricks the devil plays on us is to convince us that we should be alone, and isolated; he knows there is power in unity. In (Matt. 18:19-20) the Bible talks about touching and agreeing with others. There is power with being connected with others of like minds; those wanting the same things we do. So, if the bible is correct, why do we run away from others when we're going through life's valley experiences? Is it embarrassment? Is it that we don't want others to know what we lost or what money/material things we no longer have? Well, I was forced to silently answer each of those questions as I'm transitioning to my PROMISE!!! Friends, the battle we fight as people, as BELIEVERS, is in the mind. I found myself wanting to hide from the world out of embarrassment and a fear of being judged. I started to see how the devil uses the mind to shake us (Luke 22:31). Why does it matter to us what others think about our position in life and do they really even care? As I'm starting to understand the POWER and AUTHORITY I walk in, as a BELIEVER of CHRIST, I am not ashamed of where I am in life; I know this valley is all for the greater good; it is preparing me for where I'm going. I understand that it's WHAT WE DO WHILE WAITING that truly determines if and how fast we come through the wilderness. The children of Israel could have made it through the wilderness in one week but took them 40 years to get to they're PROMISE LAND. It took the dying away of the old mind sets for them to get they're INHERITANCE. Their old mind set were them waiting to see GOD move first, as he did when HE parted the Red Sea (when they were running from they're enemies); however, GOD was now trying to get them to now first BELIEVE HIS PROMISE. It took dying off the older folk before a new generation could BELIEVE and move in FAITH. The children that INHERITED THE PROMISED LAND were the ones that TRUELY BELIEVED that GOD would CARE for they're EVERY NEED. So friends, as you transition into your PROMISE, don't be fooled by the devils vices and tuck yourself away or isolate yourself from the world. Get out with others, enjoy every moment, do things you couldn't do before due to work or other obligations. Surround yourself with like minded people that believe in your dreams, those that BELIEVE your promise is closer than you think. Our GOD is not a respecter of person if HE'S done it for me, HE WILL DO IT FOR YOU! Be BLESSED my friends and Stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog of the day!!!

Friday, June 7, 2013


Today I REJOICED (to feel joyful; be delighted) because $24 was credited to my account! For those of you reading my blog for the very first time, you may not know that I have not had a source of income (from a job or business) for over 6 months yet I still have financial obligations; thanks to the Awesome, Incredible, GOD I serve, I haven’t missed a beat in meeting said obligations. Yesterday after working out, and enjoying the sunny 86 degree weather here in the beautiful city of Atlanta, GA, I stopped for a haircut by my fabulous barber, who, by the way, cuts my hair FREE (FAVOR); on many occasions, I have also been able to assist him in his time of need. Helping others is an essential attribute of a TRUE BELIEVER. If you haven’t helped anyone in the last 30 days, you’re really doing yourself a great disservice. Whether you believe it or not there is a UNIVERSAL LAW called “REEPING AND SOWING”. Definition plainly put, whatever you SOW or PLANT, you will REEP or get back in turn. I don’t know about you but I need all the help I can get (hint…hint…clue…clue); so, with that being said, I’m helping as many people as I can. Sometimes it’s the SMALL THINGS that BLESSES or helps someone through a rough day or night or season in their life. For instance, a simple smile or compliment can go a long way in certain situations; offering a ride to someone that doesn’t have transportation could mean the world to them. There are countless ways we can help others and I could go on and on about the SMALL THINGS, but I won’t. My point is that not only should we do nice things for others, but we should rejoice over the SMALL THINGS, because SMALL THINGS lead to big things (Dan.8:9)
After getting my haircut, I went home to shower. I got dressed and went to my Tuesday 25 cent wing spot only to find I couldn’t get in because I had on my OHIO STATE BUCKEYES basketball jersey. “NO TANK TOPS ALLOWED”. At this point I had two options, leave and go all the way back home, wasting gas (yikes) or go across the street to TJ Max or Target and buy a T-shirt for a few dollars; I chose option 2 (which cost a little more than a few dollars). At any rate, I enjoyed the wings and good conversations, and went home. After getting home I tallied up today’s spending and felt like maybe I spent too much and I started to feel wasteful, considering that I’m on a budget now. Speaking of budgeting, it has really been good for me; it’s helping me to practice restraint. That’s another SMALL THING I praise my GOD for. There are multitudes of people that have had millions of dollars (athletes, entertainers, lottery winners) that are now in financial constraints simply because they failed to properly budget. I’m sure when they were rolling in the money, to them, budgeting was a SMALL THING, however now, it is everything. Back to my original thought…I went to bed worrying about my actions on that day. As I awoke the next morning, with thoughts of PRAISE, I was reminded in my morning devotion as well as morning Bible study at church, to continually BLESS my LORD and SAVIOR for the SMALL THINGS. I hope you all are starting to get it…morning devotion and bible study (MEDITATING ON THE WORD OF GOD and being taught THE WORD). So as the WORD resonated in my mind as I worked out and finally made it to the house, I was reminded to call my bank about a $12 banking fee I received a few weeks ago. As I inquired about the fee, they determined it was an error on their part and credited my account, not just the $12 but $24. I’ve never been so happy and joyous over $24 in my life, however, when you start to be mindful of the SMALL THINGS your heart becomes more APPRECAITIVE, more EXCITED and more importantly, more SENSITIVE to the move of GOD. Be BLESSED my friends and stay tune to the next GOD inspired blog of the day!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Today’s blog was inspired by something I read today called “Down Time”
The author challenges us to examine the time(s), in our own lives, that we deem unproductive; this time of unproductivity is referred to as “DOWN TIME”. The author further challenges us to begin thinking of “DOWN TIME” as a season where GOD is allowing certain situations/events to take place in our lives so that we grow and develop, stretched, if you will. This growth spurt can catapult us into the right position to MAXIMIZE our potential. So, when you take a closer look, our unproductivity may not be unproductive after all. A few weeks ago, I told a friend that there are times when GOD needs us to “REST” before HE moves us into our next phase. I further stated that we, as a society, are so used to being BUSY that we view REST as being lazy.  When, in actuality, REST is a time of mental PREPERATION, a time for REFLECTION. REST keeps us from becoming tired or jaded, and can erase the deemed failures, of the prior year or season, from our memory. REST, or as we are referring to it, “DOWN TIME” is CLEANSING!
Many never realize or even think about the benefits of “DOWN TIME”; however, during the winter months, gardeners must WAIT until that season has expired to plant seeds. The winter months are very important for gardening; the winter freeze improves the soil, and also lightens it up; the snow insulates plants that would otherwise never survive the low temperatures.  The cold keeps pests and diseases under control.  Now picture that from the stand point of a human life.  GOD has always used nature to give us understanding of how HE wants us to operate.  How many of us embrace the winter season; that time of stillness or WAITING?  
Stress is one of the top killers to mankind. Why? Stress opens our bodies up to all kind of health issues that can be fatal.  About a year ago I found myself not embracing my time of WAITING; I started to allow all the “what if’s” to stress me out. My body started to break out into hives and I would itch all over. The thing is, most of what I allowed to stress me out, were things I couldn’t do anything about…I just needed to WAIT; I needed to allow certain things to play out in my life.  This makes me reflect back to another time in my life when I started my business and unfortunately, my business partner wasn’t fulfilling their obligations in the partnership.  This situation placed such extreme pressure and stress upon me that for the first time in my life, I found myself in the hospital for a stress condition.  I had no concept of what stress could take your body through; mind you, at that time, and I was only 28 years of age.  I couldn’t believe I was experiencing this condition, stress, again. I did the only thing I knew to do and that was asking GOD, what should I be doing? GOD continued to tell me to just trust HIM.  As the situation worsened, I decided to just embrace it and in spite of it all, enjoy life, for after all, there was nothing I could do, but WAIT.  I found myself on a real vacation; a vacation from my problems...LOL. As I embraced my “DOWN TIME”, I found that many of the problems I thought I had where really not problems at all; but rather GODS way of telling me that it’s time for something new. A major overhaul was in the making.  HE was erasing memories of failures of the year before, scouring my mental landscape.  I was and still am being pruned, cleared of anything superfluous or undesirable.  Pruned from toxic people; pruned from old mindsets and self-destructive behaviors.  I know that when I come out of this season there will be no weeds, no drought and no personal idiocies.  My life is being freed from impurities; my load has been lightened and I’ve been insulated to survive the lows in my life.  Those that know me know that I’m a giver of LIGHT and ENERGY, and that nothing can hold me for long, because I’m a BELIEVER, and TRUE BELIEVERS understand that Our Way is already paved for us.  Our job is to weather the storm; to embrace life’s lessons and testify of our GODS GOODNESS and MAJESTY to others.  WAIT on the LORD I say WAIT (Isaiah40:31)
Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog of the day.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Passing Test

On this 2nd day of June, 2013, GOD has confirmed to me his WORD. Over a two day span, two obedient vessels, which chose to hear the VOICE of the LORD, gave me a total of $225. If you recall, the interview I went to on Friday, I was told I would make $125 per week, working 55 hours, leaving no time for church services or bible study; well, via the first vessel, GOD told me as long as I remained obedient, He could give me $100 as fast as I could snap my finger, and that I would never have to work under such menial conditions. The second vessel conveyed to me the same message as they handed me $125. The interview was a TEST and through OBEDIENCE and UNDERSTANDING, I passed.  Life is about BELIEVING in HIM and we must let that BELIEF (HIM) be your guide.  The WORD says the battle is in the mind, so, “whatever a man thinks, so is he”. Having the right MIND SET provides us the most POWER and AUTHORITY we could have. Our lives will go in the direction of our most DOMINANT THOUGHTS…those thoughts have the POWER to take us to unfathomable places. Having the right MIND SET can change a zero balance bank account to an account full of money. Today my friends, I don’t BELIEVE I’m broke because I choose to BELIEVE that I have INVISBLE INVESTMENTS THAT ARE GETTING READY TO BE TRANSFERRED INTO MY ACCOUNT!!! PRAISE GOD!!

Today has surely been a BLESSED DAY already, and its only 6:30pm.  Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog of the day.