Friday, June 21, 2013

Trust your Struggle

   Today I was reminded of my struggles; the struggle of unemployment; the struggle of being dependent on others for help; the struggle of fighting the feelings of “why me”; the struggle of what I did to deserve my life circumstances…basically, the classic "poor me syndrome"? This prompted me to look up the word "STRUGGLE". The Webster dictionary describes struggle as making strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition; or, to proceed with difficulty and great effort. How many of you are struggling today; facing difficult times, opposition or having to use great effort to maintain a positive attitude or outlook on life? I implore you to TRUST YOUR STRUGGLE. I know you all are probably wondering just how you trust something that's difficult and painful. Hmm…it puts me in the mind of exercise and weight training. For those who are into muscle growth, you know that you have to tear down your muscles in order for them to GROW. Even though it’s a painful, strenuous, and sometimes difficult task, it’s a requirement for GROWTH. So, you might ask, “Are you saying that struggle means GROWTH?” Yes. Many of life experiences where we encounter struggle, we are  building strength. Whether it’s physical struggles for muscle GROWTH, OR mental struggles which builds CHARACTER / INTEGRITY. Spiritually speaking, the flesh hates to be told no. But as you practice telling it no your SPIRITMAN begins to GROW. As your SPIRITMAN GROWS your whole life is affected. You’ve heard it said that it only takes 30 days for something to become a habit (good, bad or indifferent); that's why it's important to get into the practice of repeating affirmations daily. Speak to your struggle, tell it thank you, UNDERSTANDING it's EQUIPTING you for GROWTH (Rom.5:3). Your mind has the power to take you wherever you want it to go (power of thought). TRUST THE STRUGGLE to take you just where you want to go and need to be. TRUST THE STRUGGLE to introduce you to your DESTINY and your PROMISE!!! Most people really don't trust the struggle so they abort and tap out (quit and/or blame others). Will you TRUST THE STRUGGLE in your life and let it have its PERFECT WORK? I hope so because it’s the only way to be BUILT for the job; the job of a BELIEVER a TRUE KINGDOM BUILDER (GODS man/women).
    Be blessed my friends and stay tuned for my next God inspired blog of the day…

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