Sunday, June 30, 2013


      How do you PRIORITIZE when life seems to keep disappointing you? When people come in your life and take a piece of you and leave you all alone? How do you redirect the pain of lose? Things you thought would be forever that only lasted for a season.  I say you started making choices that fulfill your purpose and destiny.  Life is filled with so many distractions and people without vision and understanding of their purpose, that if you are not careful, they can make your life seem just as empty. Jesus made His decisions based on His purpose. The purpose HE came to fulfill here on earth. HE was never moved or surprised when others turn their back and denied HIM or left HIM.  Most people are only consumed with self (there issues and problems), not realizing that when you help others GOD is obligated to help you (remember to focus on your PROMISE and not the problems of life) When you understand your purpose you know why people do what they do, or why your finances maybe under attack and any other situation that plagues your life.  So when they leave you or deceive you and hurt you. Don’t let the pain take you out the race. Truthfully they are the ones really hurting.   It's not for you to dislike them or talk negatively about them, but to pray that God enlightens them to HIS purpose. When people are purpose drive they look at life with a different pair of lenses.  Money, relationships and past scares never effect or stop them from their Purpose.  So let purpose (vision) be the guide, that leads you to those people you let into your heart.  The bible says that people perish for the lack of knowledge (vision) which is attached to your purpose. You never want to give the wrong people to much of your time and emotions.  It could delay or derail you from it. So as you make your life plan to deal with the challenges of this world, make sure you allow GODS purpose for your life to determine your PRIORITIES.
Be BLESSED my friends and stay tuned for my next GOD inspired blog.


  1. U must've been reading my mind. Get out of my head! Good post. Talk about priorities... God's priority is ultimately our soul. In His infinite wisdom, He may chose to produce a miracle in our hearts and our mind OVER our circumstance.
